When: Thursday 6 March
Time: 2pm – 4pm
Where: Wellbeing Hub, Clarice Pears Building, University of Glasgow, 90 Byres Rd, Glasgow G12 8TB
Cost: Free
Age: 18+
BSL/English interpreters provided
Come along to a fun and creative storytelling session for adults, packed with story-infused activities which will be run by the Village Storytelling Centre’s storytellers Daiva and Trinidad.
This session is open to all deaf people. It doesn’t matter if you use BSL, English, or a mix of both, everyone is welcome. BSL/English interpreters will be present to facilitate communication.
Book your free tickets here.
For more information please email wellbeing@deafaction.org

Thank you to our funders and supporters: Impact Funding Partners, Glasgow Wellbeing Fund, Glasgow Council and HSCP.