SQA Introduction to BSL
(SCQF level 3)

Time to experience something new?

The SQA Introduction to British Sign Language is the perfect place to start. As well as developing a solid foundation of sign language, you will also learn about deaf culture and community.

Course objectives
  • Produce personal information for users of British Sign Language
  • Respond to personal information produced by users of British Sign Language
  • Receive information from simple presentations in British Sign Language
Course content

During the introduction course you will cover:

  • Numbers & time
  • Family and home life
  • Travelling to work
  • Holidays
  • Providing directions
  • Food & drink
  • Hobbies, activities & shopping
  • Learn how to structure sentences using BSL grammar and syntax
  • Use non-manual features (facial expression and body language)
  • Learn how to describe the placement of objects, rooms within buildings and people

Our courses are all taught by qualified deaf tutors, so you’ll be learning from people who use BSL as their native language. As Deaf Action is a charity, when you book your BSL course through us, the income is reinvested back into improving services for deaf people.

Course details

We will be running two Introduction to BSL courses. Our courses are taking place online and in-person at our Head Office in Edinburgh, so no matter where you are, you can join us. Our course options are listed below.


Course dates: 19th August 2024 to 20th January 2025
Time: Monday evenings, 6:15pm to 8:15pm

Price: £350


Course dates: 21st August 2024 to 22nd January 2025
Time: Wednesday evenings, 6pm to 8pm

Price: £280
*Course now full*

Please register for the courses by using the form below.

Booking form

SQA Intro book a place
Please select which course you would like to attend *
Gender *
The £50 deposit must be paid at the time of booking. You will be taken to the payment page for this once you have submitted this form. 
I will pay the remaining £230 balance *
I wish to set up a direct debit for
Deaf Action will never share your personal or contact information with any 3rd parties except the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) for registration purposes. We would like to keep you informed of any future BSL or Deaf Awareness courses which may be of interest to you. If you consent to us emailing you with information about new courses (including when applications for the next term open) please tick the box.

When you click submit, you will be re-directed to the deposit payment page. We are only able to accept online payment through Go Cardless at this time.
When you are taken to the payment page, do not be concerned that it says you are 'setting up a Direct Debit with Deaf Action'. It is a restricted direct debit which means we will only take one individual payment of £50 at this time.
You will then be re-directed again to the data protection form and candidate procedures contact. Both of these forms are a compulsory part of this process so please read them properly.
Once you have paid your deposit and filled out the forms, you will receive an email confirmation and further instructions regarding payment of your remaining balance from learn@deafaction.org. We will get this to you as soon as possible after your application is submitted, but in rare circumstances, this can take up to 2 working days.
