Make a donation this Giving Tuesday



Donate to Deaf Action

What is Giving Tuesday? #GivingTuesdayNow is a global day of giving and unity that this year is taking place on 5th May 2020. It’s a chance to come together and help make a difference to charity. By donating to Deaf Action, no matter what size will help make a difference for deaf people around Scotland! £5.00 can go towards a …

Employability Service to discontinue



Impact Report 2018/19

After a very successful four years, it is with great regret that we announce Deaf Action’s Employability Service will end on the 30th June 2020 after the funding comes to an end.  Deaf* people who require urgent Employability support please contact Deaf Action’s Social Work duty service on a Thursday from 10:00 – 12:00 to discuss options, signposting & referrals. …

Join the 2.6 challenge !



Join the nation and take part in any activity you like to raise money for Deaf Action!    We would normally be getting ready to cheer on our London Marathon runners right about now. But the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic means that so many events raising such important funds for Deaf Action, have been postponed.  But by taking on the 2.6 Challenge, you can still make …

Make Microsoft Teams work for your deaf staff!


Deaf Action migrated to Office365 about a year ago, and since December 2019 almost all our work is now fully ‘in the cloud’. This has proven to be a life saver during the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Not only were we able to start working from home overnight, but we can easily stay in touch with our deaf and hearing …

Need hearing aid batteries during lockdown?



Edinburgh & Lothian’s 1. Please call/email Audiology in the first instance on:  0131 536 1637 – open 10am to 1pm and 2 to 4pm Monday to Friday 2. If you can not get hold of them and need them urgently, please contact Deaf Action Phone: 0131 556 3128 Email: Text/WhatsApp video call: 07775 620 757   Dundee & …

Deaf Festival Postponed



It is with great disappointment that we announce that the Deaf Festival 2020 will not go ahead as planned this August. The Edinburgh Fringe announced yesterday that they have come to the difficult conclusion that the festival will be cancelled due to the present circumstances.  Whilst this is not the news we would be hoping for, our thoughts are with all the front-line staff …

Deaf charities come together to show support



Deaf Action are delighted to work with fellow Deaf Organisations during the #COVID19 pandemic. Here are some messages of support to the Deaf and Hard of hearing communities. #DeafSolidarity  

Coronavirus update: Aberdeenshire services



Deaf Specialist Equipment

This information relates to our services in Aberdeenshire only Drop-Ins: Our regular drop-ins at Banchory, Banff, Ellon, Fraserburgh, Huntly, Inverurie, Peterhead & Stovehaven have been cancelled until further notice. Our Information, Advice & Guidance Workers can be contacted by phone, text or by e-mail to see how we can help in the meantime. Sam Reid: 07772 105 015 Rosemary Mitchell: …

Coronavirus update: UK lockdown – change to services



Contact us for Room Hire

Following the government’s guidelines, Deaf Actions services are now not operational anymore, unless they are ‘essential’. This means that our social care at Slateford Green will continue to deliver their service, as well as our BSL interpreting duty service that is due for 24th March 2020. All other services are on hold until further notice. Despite the closing of most …