Amy gets on her running shoes to thank BBC Children in Need



10 year old Amy took part in a 2 mile run on Saturday 12th November to raise funds for BBC Children in Need. She has raised a staggering £1,225 so far with more pledges being made every day. Amy attends our Youth Service, which is funded by Children in Need, and feels that the service has changed her life. If you …

Deafness in Scotland – A recent analysis



Read the findings of consultancy work undertaken by Deaf Action with Jeanine Bezuijen, a statistician with the Scottish Government. You can download the full report from the “Resources” page of our website or click here to access it.

Help raise funds for Deaf Action



David Waine is raising money for Deaf Action in memory of his mother, Hilary Daniel, who sadly passed away on the 2nd of March 2015 after her battle with cancer. “Hilary was a bright, bubbly, happy and positive person who brought so much joy into everybody’s lives she touched. She was selfless and loving and turned every negative into a …

New BSL courses in 2016



We will be offering the following new courses starting in August 2016: Introduction to British Sign Language (BSL) – SQA qualification (16 or 20 weeks) BSL Level 1 – SQA qualification (16 or 20 weeks) BSL Level 2 – SQA qualification (40 weeks) And in June a six week short course (non-SQA) This is the perfect starter course for those …

Santander Foundation grant success



We have been awarded a Santander Foundation Community Plus grant of £4,983. This fantastic grant from the Santander Foundation will allow us to provide free British Sign Language classes for 50 young deaf people. These classes will hugely benefit young people, improving their communication and help them to become more involved within the deaf community.  

Communities and Family Fund grant



We are delighted to announce that we have received a grant of £9,453 from The Big Lottery to deliver family BSL courses. The grant will allow us to run two 10 week courses for parents and their deaf children.

New booklet for the Hard of Hearing launched



The UK-wide charity Hearing Link has joined forces with BT to create a new booklet to support people with hearing loss. Called ‘Communication Choices: your hearing, your life’ the guide aims to support people through their hearing loss journey from diagnosis to where to get support in order to adjust to the challenges of living with hearing loss. The booklet …

Investors in People Award



We are pleased to announce that, following a recent review, we have retained our Investors in People (IIP) accreditation for a further 3 years. IIP is an important external indicator of how we lead and manage staff and it’s a great achievement for Deaf Action to be recognised in this way.