Share your befriending story
We love when people share their stories with us. It means we know when our work is making a difference.
Please use this form to share your experience of using Deaf Action’s services and let us know how you benefited.
We will use this information to share your story with our community, stakeholders and funders to help us improve Deaf Action’s services and support in the future.
By filling in this form, you are giving us permission to use your story in in our marketing and promotional materials. Deaf Action will have full rights to use any text, images and videos, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, marketing or other purposes to help achieve the charity’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, website, social media, press releases and funding applications.
Deaf Action will store all the images safely and use them for such period as it considers appropriate, and will move them into its image archive once they are no longer used. If you decide at any time that you do not wish for your images to be used any more, please get in touch.
We may contact you to arrange photography or or filming. Please note there may be a delay in filming due to current travel restrictions.