
Lipspeakers work with deafened and hard of hearing people – most commonly those who have become hard of hearing or deafened after acquiring spoken language and have a good level of English.

What is lipreading?

Lipreading is a learned skill and as such will not be suitable for all deafened or hard of hearing people. Most people that lipread will have learned through years of experience but people can also learn in way such as our Lipreading Courses.

What do lipspeakers do?

Lipspeakers repeat, without voice, everything that is spoken with a clear lip pattern, facial expression, and supporting gestures for those who lipread.

Who can use a lipspeaker?

Deaf Action lipspeakers are communication support workers for deaf and hard of hearing people who can lipread and have a good level of English.

How can lipspeakers help?

Lipspeakers can provide deaf and hard of hearing communication support for a wide range of environments and scenarios, such as:

  • Health Appointments: GP, dentist, hospital, optician, podiatrist etc.
  • Employment: job interviews, staff and client meetings etc
  • Community: accessing groups, attending classes
  • Council Services: council appointments and meetings

To book a lipspeaker call:
Freephone: 0800 014 1401
Text: 0131 557 0419
SMS: 07797 800 064

Or click here to access the booking form.

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