Electronic Notetakers
We understand how challenging it can be for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people to take notes themselves when trying to focus on what is being said. Deaf Action Electronic Notetakers (ENT) are communication professionals and can summarise spoken English into accurate electronic notes.
Who can use an Electronic Notetaker?
Electronic Notetakers offer communication support to those who are deaf or hard of hearing and have a good level of understanding of written English.
How can an Electronic Notetaker help?
Electronic notetakers can provide deaf and hard of hearing communication support in a wide range of settings and situations, such as:
- Conferences: If organisers are unsure of access requirements, or a number of attendees request access to written notes, communication support etc.
- Education: deaf or hard of hearing students that require access to lectures, seminars, workshops etc
- Events: where a number of different speakers will present
- Employment: job interviews, staff and client meetings
- Community: accessing groups, attending classes
- Council Services: council appointments and meetings
All our communication support professionals, including our Electronic Notetakers, are bound by a code of conduct that ensures an impartial and confidential service.
To book an ENT call:
Freephone: 0800 014 1401
Text: 0131 557 0419
SMS: 07797 800 064
Email: bookings@deafaction.org
Or click here to access the booking form.