Since we last updated you on our Clear Masks for All campaign, our supporters have contacted their MSPs (you can still do this online via our last blog post) and the issue has also been raised in an oral question to the First Minister. It’s a promising update, and we’re monitoring things closely as we continue to work with other organisations on Clear Masks For All.
Now, we want to hear your experiences of clear masks. We know that the current ‘opaque’ masks present barriers to everyday conversations for deaf people, from shops to healthcare settings. We need your thoughts on clear masks you have tried out, so we can share this with the Scottish Government and use this in our campaigning work.
You can share your thoughts with us via our online form.
Don’t forget that you can donate to our JustGiving page to help us provide clear masks to those who need them, and share your support for our campaign using #ClearMasksForAll on social media.
Our CEO, Philip Gerrard, has also appeared on TV and radio to discuss our campaign. You can watch his interview with BBC Breakfast on Twitter, and his discussion with BBC Radio London on YouTube. A transcript of the radio interview is also available here: BBC Radio London – Interview Transcript.
If you have any questions about Clear Masks For All, you can contact our Campaigns team on