We want to make sure it’s easy to support our work.
You can donate to us in a few easy ways.
Donate online
By donating, you’ll be helping us to make a difference to deaf communities across Scotland. You can choose to make a one-off donation or a regular donation of your chosen amount.
Give whilst you shop
Support Deaf Action whilst you shop online by signing up to Easy Fundraising and shopping via AmazonSmile. By doing so, retailers donate a percentage of your purchase to Deaf Action, costing you nothing.
Legacy giving
Contribute to helping the lives and well-being of the deaf community of generations to come by leaving us a gift in your will.
Why donate to Deaf Action?
For every £100 donated we can provide a young deaf person with a package of support which prepares and empowers them for the next stage of their lives.
Deaf people are at increased risk of mental health struggles. With every donation of £50, we can provide a BSL Counselling Session for a deaf person who is struggling.
£30 enables us to provide an isolated elderly person with one-to-one digital skills support, helping them use technology to get online and connect with people.
£20, we can provide 1 hour of one-to-one support to a deaf person, to help assess their needs and identify ways in which we can support them to improve their lives.
£10 is enough to ensure that we can provide a deaf person with access to essential information to help them cope and connect with support networks.