Deaf Action BSL information clips

Deaf Action is committed to keeping the Deaf community informed regarding the current advice surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19).

We will be updating this page regularly with information about what is announced in the news, what Deaf Action are doing during the outbreak, information about the social clubs who use our building as well as advice on how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe during the outbreak.


Social Work duty service

Supermarket information

Keeping yourself & others safe

Avoid contact with others (social distancing)

Self-isolation advice

How long to stay at home if you have symptoms and live alone

How long to stay at home if someone you live with has symptoms

COVID-19 vaccines

Myths & facts

Vaccine approval

Can the vaccine give you COVID?

Do you need the vaccine if you’ve had COVID?

Is wearing a mask bad for your health?

Should young people take the vaccine?

What if you miss your appointment?

What if you’re not registered with a GP?

Can pregnant people take the vaccine?

Can the vaccine cause blood clots?

What if you need an interpreter for your appointment?

If you have any questions or need advice, please get in touch.